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About Paul Routledge t/a Installers

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May 2021
Where do I start, well I ordered both Windows, Roof Lights and Sliding Doors from Vision in October 2020, these were confirmed, and I was told this would be about 6 weeks to get these ordered and fitted - well before Christmas. This was part of existing building work on my house and there would be financial implications should these be delayed. The Roof Lights were fitted in January, The Windows and Sliding Doors were fitted in March - 6 months later. The sliding doors sash's they fitted are wrong and I'm trying to get them to resolve these with little joy. Within this 6 month period, I chased and chased and when I got through to someone, which was very difficult, I received every excuse under the sun. I was in communication with their Suppliers at the time so had some information on when the orders were placed etc - the dates of placing the orders with Vision and the dates they placed the orders with their Window Suppliers - just did not add up. This does not tell the whole picture as its far worse than what I have covered and this wasn't easy for me to post/write but I'm hoping anyone looking to place orders will think twice. Everything I have covered is factually true which I can backup and evidence. I also acknowledge that the Roof Lights, 3 Windows and 1 Door were all eventually fitted after 5-6 months of ongoing chasing. The issue I have is with the larger order of Sliding Doors - what was fitted was not what I ordered and I'm trying to get Vision to rectify these, they have acknowledged that they would rectify if I paid the final sum but cannot offer any proof and now won't answer any calls or respond to messages or voicemails. I'm currently out of pocket by £1000s and Vision Windows have caused me further £1000s in delays for my build. They were very proactive in chasing for money but now choose to ignore my text messages, calls and emails. They told me what I wanted to hear to win the business and whilst they came across as nice people, the customer service is shocking. I currently have a set of sliding doors which I paid over £10,000 for, which are not what I ordered (which I can evidence), they are not fit for purpose (which I can evidence via photos) and I now have further headache going down a legal route to resolve.

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