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April 2022
When I originally ordered my door from HHI (Hainault Home Improvements) I was expecting a door with two side windows and a top box, I expected the two side to line up with the windows in the top box, that’s what the on online design showed and also what the surveyor from HHI clearly drew in the Door Survey Form (this is clear in the attached photos). When the door was first installed on the surface it all looked nice, however on closer inspection I found that the door was leaning forward and as a consquence when it was open it would swing itself shut. In addition to this, the top window boxes did not line up with the below windows as per the HHI Online Design and Door Survey Form. My wife and I had a lot of trouble opening the door, this was reported to HHI and a locksmith attended and advised that the wrong size cylinder was installed. After a number of emails and calls to HHI they agreed to refit the door straight and replace the lock as well as fix the top window box so it would be inline with the windows below. After the refit, the door is now straight but the top box is arguably worse than the first one. Not only is the glass still out of line with the side windows, the overall width is shorter than the width of the door leaving a 15mm gap on one side. HHI now claim that the door cylinder is the correct size. The whole experience was very stressful and the General Manager handled this disgracefully, I went to visit to try to understand why he thought I was being unreasonable and was told ‘“I expected to much, it’s only a £700 door” despite the fact I paid over £2000 for the door! At one point he even used the term “people like me” I asked him to explain him what he meant by that and he bumbled a load of nonsense and again said I expecting to much. With all the will in the world I could not seem to reason with this ignorant man and he point blank refused to correct the door. I have since been quoted from another company £350 to put right HHI shoddy mistakes. I seems very unfair that I have to do this as I bought the door in good faith and I find it difficult to believe any reasonable person could think this is acceptable. To be clear I was not unhappy with fitters, after all they could only fit what they were given, I would’ve appreciated the door being hung straight initially. I understand why it was fitted that way, however it was not discussed with me and I was never given the option of the door being hung straight or in line with the brick work at the time of fitting. The biggest disappointment was the poor attitude and attention to detail from the service department. In summary this genuinely has been the worst customer service I have ever had to deal with and I pity anyone who has the misfortune to deal with this inadequate company, frankly the service I received was shameful!

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